If you still see Kamala Harris as an ineffective, mousey, awful retail politician, it’s time to rewrite your map. Four years of on the job training have proved her to be a political novice turned political force. She’s studied, and no doubt had oodles of help, because she’s a lioness now. Strong and forceful as an orator (that’s new), and she’s able to show her funny, funky side (also new). Both show a new-found confidence.
The fact that in the thirty six hours after President Biden’s denouement, she had raised over $100 million is not just record setting, it’s positively stunning. By stepping out of the race, Ol’ Joe didn’t just put country above self, he unleashed a previously unrecognized passion within the electorate, and especially the small dollar donors, to stop Trump. Democrats and Independents didn’t think Biden could stop the Trump Train, but they clearly think Harris can. They not only think it’s possible, so excited were they at the prospect of a Trump Train stopper, that they veritably ripped their underwear getting the money out of their pockets.
Afraid he’ll stumble further, his handlers won’t let The Donald debate Kamala Harris: “Before I was elected as Vice President, before I was elected as United States Senator, I was the elected Attorney General [of] California, and before that, I was a courtroom prosecutor. In those roles I took on perpetrators of all kinds. Predators who abused women. Fraudsters who ripped off consumers. Cheaters who broke the rules for their own gain. So hear me when I say I know Donald Trump's type.”
He's the first candidate in fifty-years not to appear on the election edition of 60 Minutes. I assume that his handlers had to hold him down, because everyone knows the most dangerous place in any room is between him and the TV cameras. They know what he can’t admit, she smacked him around on the debate stage, and would do the same on 60 Minutes. They simply can’t let him appear anywhere without the MAGA Media training wheels, apologists, and makeup artists. OAN or Newsmax, you bet; anyplace he isn’t coddled, no way.
“As a young prosecutor . . . I specialized in cases involving sexual abuse. Donald Trump was found liable by a jury of sexual abuse. As Attorney General of California, I took on one of our country’s for-profit colleges and put it out of business. Donald Trump ran a for profit college, Trump University, that was forced to pay $25 million to the students it scammed. As District Attorney…I created one of the first environmental justice units in our nation. Donald Trump stood in Mar-a-Lago and told big oil lobbyists he would do their bidding for a $1 billion campaign contribution.”
The Republicans are now the ones with the age problem. He plays the race and gender cards because it’s his nature to insult, but it doesn’t fly with Gen Z, and they want nothing to do with Trump/Vance or Project 2025. They have no interest in being dragged back into the last century, and the dirty little secret that is just dawning on the fawning Republican Party, is that neither do most women, suburban or not. Trump might win with older white men, but it may not be enough, because there will be some older white men who don’t fear the future, and who know you cannot turn back the hands of time.
Demography is destiny, and try though they will to stop the march of time, short of out-and-out civil war, which would pit old against young, black against white, theocrat against democrat, and women against men, time is the winner. It moves forward, not back, and like Mother Nature, it always bats last, and it never strikes out.
It may a romantic notion for some, but for most, Fifties America is our past, not our future.
And before we move on, because we always move on, it’s important to tip our hat to Joe Biden, who, unlike his former opponent, graciously stepped away from power, rather than holding it in a death grip, while lying, delusional about how he somehow deserves to stay in the Oval Office.
We are desperate for a rebirth, but fear of loss is more effective than hope for the future. Just look at how insurance companies advertise: mayhem any one? In spite of pleas from the Republican mayors of both cities, Team Trump has spent the last weeks of the campaign lying about immigrants in Springfield and Aurora.
This despicable tactic is going to get someone killed. Constant hammering of conspiracy theories against useful institutions like FEMA works. Relief efforts in NC ground to a halt after FEMA agents were threatened.
Change is threatening, but its time has come.
©2024 Jon Sinton
“time is the winner. It moves forward, not back, and like Mother Nature, it always bats last, and it never strikes out.”
Love the apt metaphor.
I respect your opinion. Joe Biden’s head…LOL! Kamala… I just cannot see this. I am standing true to my position and Nov 6th we will see how it all unfolds. Please take care of you and yours!! 🤗