“time is the winner. It moves forward, not back, and like Mother Nature, it always bats last, and it never strikes out.”

Love the apt metaphor.

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I respect your opinion. Joe Biden’s head…LOL! Kamala… I just cannot see this. I am standing true to my position and Nov 6th we will see how it all unfolds. Please take care of you and yours!! 🤗

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Goodness, Jon!! Kamala has been in office for 3.5+ years and has done ZERO for the American people!!! She cannot speak to a “plan” to pull us out of this damn mess!! NO to HARRIS/WALZ!!!


Stay well!!

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Suzette, I would vote for Joe Biden's head in box before Trump. I'm saddened that you can't see the danger he imposes. Moreover, I have daughters and granddaughters. I can't point to a serial sexual assailant as a role model. Plus, I like democracy, not fascism.

I'll let the writer, Dave Pell, say this: During our last time going out to lunch before the pandemic, my dad (who was the only member of his family to survive the Holocaust and spent years living in the Polish forest and fighting the Nazis) expressed his dismay that Americans weren’t taking the threat to our country seriously enough. I suggested that while most Americans were concerned, they didn’t see the Trump era as being that ominous because they assumed the kinds of things that happened in his life could never happen here. My dad stopped walking, looked at me, and asked, "You think vhen I vas a kid any of us thought it could happen there?" He wouldn't have been the least bit surprised by last night's Al Smith Catholic charity dinner. The annual event usually features a night of good humor led by the presidential candidates from each party. It used to be a nice tradition. This year, for obvious reasons, Kamala Harris declined to attend (she sent a video instead). But the show went on. All the wealthy power-players got dressed up in their tuxes, went to the dinner, and giggled or groaned at the jokes of a treacherous, felonious, Putin-loving monster, who repeatedly tried to overthrow an election, led a violent insurrection on our Capitol, and is described by his own top general as "fascist to the core." The evening's hosts and attendees went on with their version of the norms even though the keynote speaker had blown up America’s. The event was a metaphor for the way so much of our society—from power-hungry billionaires to both-sidesing journalists—has normalized a unique threat to our democracy. If my dad had been around to see this pathetic dinner theater, he would have looked over at me and said, "You thought it couldn’t happen here? This is exactly what it look likes."

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