I would also add that Fox News is a huge part of the problem. This is very much a problem on both sides but the progressives largely have social media and a few small media outlets to push their message. Fox News has a multibillion dollar media empire. They blatantly mislead their voters and demonize anyone who doesn't agree with them. The network also completely ignores major stories that don't align with their agenda. I'm betting the man in your story who tried to get the schools shut down was probably a avid Fox News viewer. Great piece.

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Thank you, Juliet. Sometimes I feel as though I write too much about FNC, but in truth, not enough can ever be said about these willful obstructionists and liars. The Murdochs have no shame. Their citizenship should be revoked, their empire sold for parts, and they should be tried for sedition.

Talk Radio is the other problem with this deluge of right-wing propaganda. In aggregate, it has a bigger audience than Fox News.

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Terrific story, Jon. You’re such a great writer. “What’s the nice word for selfish? Oh, yeah, independent, but I’m sticking with selfish”

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Takes one to know one, Beau. Thanks!

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Well done and a grave warning to those here in Coronado who think all is well with our school board when it's been under attack by a culture wars crowd drunk on disinformation!

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