Jon - I am a survivor of one of my children. He died suddenly, like your niece, but he was the victim of an accident. I understand the changed perspective on life and living that you experience now, after the tragic and unexpected loss of your niece. It was a permanent change for me, filled with sadness and hope and a rearrangement of my priorities. Coping is key to carrying on with life. Your blog is a meaningful expression of your good mind and heart, and a worthwhile use of your days in this life. Thank you for it.

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Thanks for sharing, Shaun. I'm so sorry for your loss, and understand, at least partially--it's still early in the process--what you're saying about change and time.

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This was so good. And sad. And worthwhile. I grieve for Bridgette, for you, and for your family, and am saddened that I can't do more.

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Made me pause and remember some good people.

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I'm glad it resonated with you, Chuckl

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So sad to hear of one's passing so young. Condolences, Jon.

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Sorry for your loss. May her memory be a blessing.

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Thanks, Mary. I hope all's well in your world.

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So well said and so very touching Jon. Thank you for sharing.

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