Well reasoned Jon!

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Listen, Mac, your excuse of 'observational' is you condescending in lieu of contemplation. As you wish. I'll not be among your subs. Good day

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Friend, should you ever wish for me to read anything you write beyond the first sentence, may I recommend you don't characterize someone unknown to you as a 'hater'. Only weak people use received opinion to influence others. I may try a subsequent post of your's. But should you begin by telling me what someone else is thinking or feeling or even doing and we part our short, almost acquaintance. Good day

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Thank you for writing. This is not "received opinion," it is observational and based on the facts in evidence. I hope you'll go back over some posts from the last year and get a sense of what and how I write. If you find it inadequate, I trust you will unsubscribe, but I think you'll find my work is well reasoned and supported by facts. Still, at the end of the day, I am an editorial columnist, and as such, I express my opinions.

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