I hear you but have almost given up hope at the direction a few disconnected republican senators have taken this country. There has never been any reason for assault riffles, rapid fire handguns and large capacity magazines. The only thing these guns do is kill people. We’re past enough and I for one am exhausted with now what. I grieve for us all.
Saddening and truly a sign of collective insanity. Better to make guns easily available than to keep families safe? We cannot explain this to ourselves let alone others. It’s time now to change this. For our friends, our children. Both parties need to step up. This is not partisanship, its life itself. License, test for ownership, limit guns to athletics and individual shots, qualify purchases.
It’s a partial view on both sides. Walk through the logic and the results. Interview every parent or other who has lost someone this way. The sheer agony of loss should be put in front of everyone in Congress, now. We have lost our way and there is no way it is justified.
Because Congress, or at least one side of the aisle in the senate is the problem, we can’t expect the problem to solve the problem. So answering the question of “why “might get us to understand something but not to solve anything.
We need a “how” question.
How can we work together, even incrementally, to create safe spaces for kids to learn and for young man 18 to 21 to be more hopeful and less fearful?
That shouldn’t be a partisan question. It’s just an invitation to collaboration. And if it doesn’t save all lives but saved even a few, it’s a good thing. We will never finish a job if you refuse to get started. No slippery slopes. Just one step ahead walking together. Or we shoot one another in the foot. But we’ve tried that and it doesn’t seem to work.
As long as less populated, rural states have the same Senatorial representation as the rest, we will have gridlock. WY with 600,000 people has 2 senators. California with 35 million does too. Our only hope is for rural states to stop electing these few but powerful decision makers, so, yeah, hopeless.
I hear you but have almost given up hope at the direction a few disconnected republican senators have taken this country. There has never been any reason for assault riffles, rapid fire handguns and large capacity magazines. The only thing these guns do is kill people. We’re past enough and I for one am exhausted with now what. I grieve for us all.
Saddening and truly a sign of collective insanity. Better to make guns easily available than to keep families safe? We cannot explain this to ourselves let alone others. It’s time now to change this. For our friends, our children. Both parties need to step up. This is not partisanship, its life itself. License, test for ownership, limit guns to athletics and individual shots, qualify purchases.
Absolutely true, B. The problem is the Democrats are weak and the Republicans are uncompromising in their zeal to promote the Second Amendment.
It’s a partial view on both sides. Walk through the logic and the results. Interview every parent or other who has lost someone this way. The sheer agony of loss should be put in front of everyone in Congress, now. We have lost our way and there is no way it is justified.
Because Congress, or at least one side of the aisle in the senate is the problem, we can’t expect the problem to solve the problem. So answering the question of “why “might get us to understand something but not to solve anything.
We need a “how” question.
How can we work together, even incrementally, to create safe spaces for kids to learn and for young man 18 to 21 to be more hopeful and less fearful?
That shouldn’t be a partisan question. It’s just an invitation to collaboration. And if it doesn’t save all lives but saved even a few, it’s a good thing. We will never finish a job if you refuse to get started. No slippery slopes. Just one step ahead walking together. Or we shoot one another in the foot. But we’ve tried that and it doesn’t seem to work.
Brilliant once again, Jon... and so important.
As long as less populated, rural states have the same Senatorial representation as the rest, we will have gridlock. WY with 600,000 people has 2 senators. California with 35 million does too. Our only hope is for rural states to stop electing these few but powerful decision makers, so, yeah, hopeless.