I need to find a copy of the old Pogo cartoon that had the possum in a corner of his beloved swamp along with an old tire and other refuse with Pogo saying something to the effect of "We have met the enemy, and he is us." I want to frame a copy of that cartoon and hang it on the wall of my home office. I think of that cartoon often when I see clips of the Jan. 6 insurrection and other acts of domestic terrorism. Was this country always this divided or is this just a modern phenomenon?

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We began with these divisions: slave v. free; rural v. urban, agronomy v. industrialization. Through the years the fights have flared up and died down, so in some ways, this is nothing new, but media has not heretofore lavished attention on the minority of bigoted, selfish haters as is does now. They have newfound legitimacy based on all the attention, and it is clearly not in our interest. We have met the enemy, and he is indeed us.

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