The Supreme Court shows its willingness to ignore precedent and common sense. The Dobbs decision that ends a woman’s right to choose fundamentally changes our country. Some cheer. Most lament.
Two who are probably not celebrating are Jehovah (God the Father) and Jesus the Son. In Exodus and John 6:63 (when coupled with Genesis 2:7 and other verses link breathe to the arrival of the human spirit). Thus, both God the Father and Jesus the Son ruled or spoke against central tenets of the Cult of Fetal Personhood (the Pro-Life movement). In Exodus, Jehovah's dictated rules for the Hebrews states that killing a fetus by causing a miscarriage was NOT A CAPITAL OFFENSE - therefore no human was killed. In John 6:63 Jesus states that the flesh means nothing (it could be a baby but there are no guarantees) but the spirit which comes with the breathe of life from God (first reference Genesis 2:7) is all that matters. I would hate to be in the performance review from God of the Religious Leaders who have perpetrated the alienation of close to 50 million Americans (the number self-identified as agnostic or atheist) by their small minded attitudes. Yikes!
Insightful post, thank you. It adds fire to my outrage at Dobbs, Alito, and the other SCOTUS perjurers who voted for it, plus all the assholes who appointed them. I'll be sharing to my FB. (It's really hard to click on a heart icon to "like" this, as I'm so angry I could spit ... and will, of course, vote and phone bank GOTV this fall from my home in Mexico.)
Time to legislatively repeal Marbury vs. Madison, or at least restrict judicial review very narrowly. And 13 appeals districts deserves 13 justices.
Excellent job Laura... spot on.
Brilliant and right. Outside America people are horrified. An interesting comparison… of 54
African countries all but 4 allow abortions in all the cases you mention.
Two who are probably not celebrating are Jehovah (God the Father) and Jesus the Son. In Exodus and John 6:63 (when coupled with Genesis 2:7 and other verses link breathe to the arrival of the human spirit). Thus, both God the Father and Jesus the Son ruled or spoke against central tenets of the Cult of Fetal Personhood (the Pro-Life movement). In Exodus, Jehovah's dictated rules for the Hebrews states that killing a fetus by causing a miscarriage was NOT A CAPITAL OFFENSE - therefore no human was killed. In John 6:63 Jesus states that the flesh means nothing (it could be a baby but there are no guarantees) but the spirit which comes with the breathe of life from God (first reference Genesis 2:7) is all that matters. I would hate to be in the performance review from God of the Religious Leaders who have perpetrated the alienation of close to 50 million Americans (the number self-identified as agnostic or atheist) by their small minded attitudes. Yikes!
These are the same people whose political ancestors used scripture to justify slavery. So, Yikes, indeed!
Insightful post, thank you. It adds fire to my outrage at Dobbs, Alito, and the other SCOTUS perjurers who voted for it, plus all the assholes who appointed them. I'll be sharing to my FB. (It's really hard to click on a heart icon to "like" this, as I'm so angry I could spit ... and will, of course, vote and phone bank GOTV this fall from my home in Mexico.)