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Although I agree with you, I’m afraid it’s like pissing into the wind. We live in a media world of fragmentation. It’s like a Salvador Dali painting if you step back from it, you get a chance to see the whole picture but when you’re in the midst of it, it’s a lot of pixels demanding your attention on how to put it together. 

In a certain sense  the signal is the noise.

One of the problem isn’t misinformation. I called Malinformation.

 a purposely put together picture for malicious reasons.

Like scrambled pixels, all of this fragmentation scrambles the Contant in our brains. Like opiates. So the problem is addiction. 

So far as I can, tell, regulation isn’t the solution for detoxification. The best we can do is to encourage critical thinking. 

The critical thinking isn’t the money maker that addiction is.

The Internet might be a magical place, but when you pay attention to what’s behind the curtain, and who’s drawing it open and closed, it can be a real hell hole

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