So. many authoritarian moves; so little time. The virtual genocide they are committing against trans people is terrifying; they simply want us all to disappear, go away, die somewhere. By whipping up hate, they are stimulating what could be a wave of violence and killing. And that's just one target audience.
My love is vengeance that's never free...
Excellent once again, Jon. Thanks for your wisdom and courage.
So. many authoritarian moves; so little time. The virtual genocide they are committing against trans people is terrifying; they simply want us all to disappear, go away, die somewhere. By whipping up hate, they are stimulating what could be a wave of violence and killing. And that's just one target audience.
I'm so sorry for your community, Abby, and for America at large.
Willing to bet this is more than even Pete, a notorious crank, had in mind. Meet the new boss.
Sobering. They’re like blue meanies.