My problem is that unlike you, when I get angry and try to express it, it turns to satire more and often less. It keeps me from burning up inside.
Consequently I’m so grateful that you can carry the light with fierce and intelligence.
In a world in need of fresh water, internet propagandists have poisoned the well by taking that torch that was passed to a new generation, burned the house down and now want to extinguish it in the last drops of truth that remain.
Bless you for your backbone and fortitude in thoughts, words and action.
As I'm sure you know, Jon, the U.S. has always had strong fascist and anti-Semitic leanings to match its founding racism. Your essay reminds me of the "Father Coughlin" radio phenomenon when 30 million Americans tuned into his weekly broadcasts. Given the U.S. population was about 125MM back then and assuming half were kids, his audience was half of U.S. adults. (Roosevelt cancelled his show when WWII broke out.) This mid-term election is the most important in the history of our representative democracy. If the GOP wins the House and/or Senate, the experiment is over. GOTV is critical despite the GOP's voter suppression efforts.
My problem is that unlike you, when I get angry and try to express it, it turns to satire more and often less. It keeps me from burning up inside.
Consequently I’m so grateful that you can carry the light with fierce and intelligence.
In a world in need of fresh water, internet propagandists have poisoned the well by taking that torch that was passed to a new generation, burned the house down and now want to extinguish it in the last drops of truth that remain.
Bless you for your backbone and fortitude in thoughts, words and action.
Really nice of you to hear from my favorite satirist. Thanks, Don. We each what we can.
As I'm sure you know, Jon, the U.S. has always had strong fascist and anti-Semitic leanings to match its founding racism. Your essay reminds me of the "Father Coughlin" radio phenomenon when 30 million Americans tuned into his weekly broadcasts. Given the U.S. population was about 125MM back then and assuming half were kids, his audience was half of U.S. adults. (Roosevelt cancelled his show when WWII broke out.) This mid-term election is the most important in the history of our representative democracy. If the GOP wins the House and/or Senate, the experiment is over. GOTV is critical despite the GOP's voter suppression efforts.
Amen, Bill.