I spent my first four years of post-college employment in TX, two years in Houston and two in Dallas. One of the things I noticed right away was all the bumper stickers that said "SUCEDE!". At the time I thought it was a cheeky local catchphrase like "Virginia is for Lovers". It took me a while to realize a good many of these propagators of sedition were actually serious. That's a funny thing about TX. It is a common thing for natives to express if you ain't from Texas you are somewhat of a lesser being.
11% of new vehicles purchased in Seattle were electric. 5% across the country. It’s ironic to think that big oil is going in the way of the dinosaur. The circle of life.
In Texas the GOP is drinking petroleum to keep their economy going. Squeaky wheels and grease and all that stuff.
Yet we can’t blame everyone in the lone star state for wanting to stay alone. After all, they did, give us Molly Ivins, LBJ, Anne and Cecile Richards, kinky Friedman, and the slate of talented progressives in politics and literature. But you won’t find any of them near that state convention.
We need to bring back ladybird to clean up the trash and detritus scattered over the political landscape in Texas.
She’s the one that gave them that anti-littering slogan. “don’t mess with Texas. “
I’d much prefer the Texas doesn’t mess with the rest of us. Give us Austin and the better parts of San Antonio and Houston. In exchange you can keep Elon. He’s making cars that don’t use petrol. Jokes on you, Texas.
Molly Ivins, RIP, would applaud this, Jon!
Very high praise, Bill. Thanks.
Spot on, Jon! Everything's bigger in Texas... including the number of cult-worshipping crazies!
I spent my first four years of post-college employment in TX, two years in Houston and two in Dallas. One of the things I noticed right away was all the bumper stickers that said "SUCEDE!". At the time I thought it was a cheeky local catchphrase like "Virginia is for Lovers". It took me a while to realize a good many of these propagators of sedition were actually serious. That's a funny thing about TX. It is a common thing for natives to express if you ain't from Texas you are somewhat of a lesser being.
11% of new vehicles purchased in Seattle were electric. 5% across the country. It’s ironic to think that big oil is going in the way of the dinosaur. The circle of life.
In Texas the GOP is drinking petroleum to keep their economy going. Squeaky wheels and grease and all that stuff.
Yet we can’t blame everyone in the lone star state for wanting to stay alone. After all, they did, give us Molly Ivins, LBJ, Anne and Cecile Richards, kinky Friedman, and the slate of talented progressives in politics and literature. But you won’t find any of them near that state convention.
We need to bring back ladybird to clean up the trash and detritus scattered over the political landscape in Texas.
She’s the one that gave them that anti-littering slogan. “don’t mess with Texas. “
I’d much prefer the Texas doesn’t mess with the rest of us. Give us Austin and the better parts of San Antonio and Houston. In exchange you can keep Elon. He’s making cars that don’t use petrol. Jokes on you, Texas.